Growth is a huge part of life. The growth I want to talk about is the growth of who we are and where we want to go. That Growth can be as simple as wanting to learn to play an instrument or lose weight: it can also be as big as overcoming your fears or opening a business. In order to accomplish any of this growth, you have to have the right mindset.
Accomplishing any goal/change in our lives is hard and requires time and discipline. That mindset that is required can come from many different avenues. Taking the time to research and learn about the thing you are looking to accomplish, surround yourself with other people who have already accomplished what you are trying to accomplish. Keeping a student mentality always is a huge factor in this.
Taking time to do some research on the thing you are trying to accomplish can be a huge help in starting off with some basic knowledge of what you’re trying to do. The time you spent will make you appreciate the growth that much more. When jumping into something that you want to grow in it’s a great thing to find other people that are trying to do the same thing or more importantly people who have already accomplished that thing. These people can help motivate you and lead you in the right direction with knowledge and experience. The student mentality is the glue that holds it all together for me. Asking questions, always looking to dig further into the subject to increase your knowledge on the thing. Staying in student mode will also help you adjust when challenges come your way.
In the end, all these things add up to a growth mindset. Keeping that mindset will change your way of thinking and the results will start to happen.
To learn more about Vincent's mindset and why he chose this topic, head over to our YouTube channel and check out our behind-the-scenes interview Kevin Braden, CEO/ Founder of Next Generation Marketing Inc, and Miriam Carlinbryan Next Generation Marketing Inc's Sr. Operations Manager.